International Acceleration - Rust Full Stack Development

Build a product customization and recommendation e-commerce, similar to "Build your own computer" features found in major e-commerce platforms like Kabum and Pichau, to acquire highly demanded skills in the market using the Rust language.  

Explore the power of Rust and its application in web development, using the Rocket and Leptos frameworks to create a CRUD capable of establishing routes, managing endpoints, efficiently handling authentication, and managing user interaction through a reactive system, template library, and a router that works both on the server and client.

Experience a low-level language as expressive and intuitive as a high-level one, with a friendly syntax focused on utilizing hardware performance efficiently, extremely fast, and performant.

This acceleration program prepares professionals for exciting opportunities outside Brazil with 100% English technical sessions. It offers free workshops for technical advancement, as well as networking and connections with international recruitment partners for major global companies.

What you will see in this acceleration:


Session 01: 09:00 AM - 09:20 AM | Refresher of the necessary Rust knowledge for web development

We will use this time to refresh the concepts that will be most used during the application development. Specifically, we will take a brief look at Rust's ownership and borrowing model and explore mechanisms to share resources between endpoint calls.

We will also delve into the workings of procedural macros and derive macros, widely used tools in libraries to reduce boilerplate code.

Session 02: 09:20 AM - 10:40 AM | Database modelling and Backend Development with Rust and Rocket Framework

We will start with the database and relationship modeling based on the application requirements. Then, we will build the backend application using the Rocket framework. We'll configure a Postgres relational database with Docker to facilitate local development and learn how to share the database pool between endpoint calls.

Finally, we will develop a REST API, defining the back-front communication contract using the ubiquitous JSON format. We will validate received payloads effortlessly and automatically with the serde library, capable of deserializing them directly into predefined data structures and natively supported by Rocket.

Session 03: 10:40 AM - 12:00 PM | Frontend Development with Rust, Rocket and Leptos Framework

In this session, the frontend of the application will be developed. Screens will be built using the Leptos framework, allowing the writing of components and the manipulation of the application state similarly to how React does.

We will use routers to redirect the user between screens and consume the API built on the server-side, optimizing the application for the end client. However, the pages will not be entirely static, as Leptos has a rehydration mechanism, allowing initially server-side rendered components to become reactive again. This technique reduces the initial loading time of the screen, commonly used as a parameter for ranking by search engines such as Google.

3 hours

Registration until March 22nd, 2024. Workshop on March 23th, 2024.

Develop high level applications with the best practice of the market

Practice with experts on live mentoring

Connect to the vibrant technology community

Conquer the best opportunities in the market and achieve your professional success

DIO: How is it like to work here

Your DIO Experience

You available to the market. Make yourself visible and available for international jobs at the world's largest technology companies.


Besides the technical knowledge, you will quickly discover how to reach your goal with people who have already conquered an international career.

Complete learning environment

You will have access to an immersion in technology and yet be able to network with other professionals.

How is it like to work hereDIO}

What will you learn?

Your journey during the immersion

  • 1 -

    Create an online store for computer assembly using Rust, registering individual components to be sold as complete computer packages;

  • 2 -

    Use the Rocket and Leptos frameworks to build complete web applications, from the backend to the frontend;

  • 3 -

    Learn and use a fast, performant, and processor-efficient low-level language.

Your Career

Your Career

Career plans in partner companies and the possibility of professional growth in the international market.

Develop New Skills

Develop New Skills

During the immersive program, you will find the best tips to have a great development in the technological world.



Get all your questions answered about the program during the immersion.

Ready to become international?

Ready to become international?

The DIO Team is waiting for you on this incredible journey on how to pursue an International Career.

Looking forward to the new

Looking forward to the new

As a technology professional, thriving about your future is the most important thing for you now.



Rust is a highly valued language for its performance and speed. You will learn to use this low-level language as if it were a high-level language and take advantage of its performance and ease of use to evolve your code.

You in the future

Your name

Rust Developer



Profile strength on DIO: DIAMOND

Your profile has high strength and big chances to connect you with opportunities of innovative companies on the market

Certified by DIO

To me

Congratulations, you have finished your learning journey in Acceleration International Acceleration - Rust Full Stack Development !

We have verified your profile and we saw that it is very interesting for a vacancy of Rust Developer that we have open.

We will wait for you in the next hiring steps!

Let's enjoy this opportunity?

Who is Acceleration recommended for?


Professionals with intermediate knowledge of Rust, familiarity with databases, and SQL.


Have your profile available for opportunities in large companies and achieve your international career.


Get your profile available for opportunities at large global companies.

Your journey

Sign up.

Complete the qualifying test.

Participate in the immersive activities with senior experts.

Build a network of global contacts that can help you in this new phase.

Conquer your certificate.

Build your portfolio with practical market projects.

Receive invitations to hiring opportunities.

Create your free account

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What is Acceleration?

What is an Acceleration program?

A day of immersion with technical sessions for those approved in the qualifying challenge.

What dates should I pay attention to?

Here are the dates you need to keep an eye on!

Registration start date: March 04, 2024

Registration end date: March 22, 2024

Immersion Day: March 23, 2024

Program closing date: March 29, 2024

Are there any prerequisites to participate?

Knowledge of Rust and SQL

How does the qualification test work?

The qualification test is carried out online. Consisting of 15 multiple-choice questions with concepts from Rust, Rest API, SQL, totaling 1800 points.

To be approved, you must score a minimum of 600 points.

How long is the qualification challenge?

Once started, you will have up to 100 minutes to complete the Qualification Challenge.

When should I complete the qualification test?

You can complete the qualification test immediately after registration or at a convenient time until 11:59 pm on March 22, 2024, as long as you have not started it.

How many times can I complete the qualification test?

The qualification test can only be taken once! Therefore, choose the most opportune moment to do it.

How do I know if I passed the qualification test?

Immediately after completing the qualification test, the system calculates your score and displays the result on the screen. Additionally, you will receive a confirmation email indicating your approval and providing information for upcoming activities.

Found a problem with the registration?

For any technical problems and questions about the program and platform, please contact us through the website: Click here.

Still have doubts?

Contact us through the website: Click here.