International Acceleration - Working as a SRE in an International Company with Azure

Discover the importance of monitoring in the role of an SRE (Site Reliability Engineer), using tools such as Azure Monitor, Application Insights, and Log Analytics. Come to understand in practice how metrics and alerts are essential for resource optimization and business strategies.

Be the professional who masters the architecture and infrastructure of an entire ecosystem, responsible for monitoring the health of multiple applications. Become a key player for large companies with your ability to anticipate issues and drive improvements, contributing to more reliable and resilient solutions.

This acceleration program prepares professionals for exciting opportunities outside Brazil with 100% English technical sessions. It offers free workshops for technical advancement, as well as networking and connections with international recruitment partners for major global companies.

What you will see in this acceleration:


09:00 – 09:45 | What is the role of SRE? 

We will contextualize what an SRE professional is, his role and how this professional works directly involving development, infrastructure and business teams, with a focus on operating and maintaining the reliability and execution of applications.


09:45 - 10:45 | Hands on: Acting as SRE

We will explore the day-to-day life of an SRE professional using an application developed in Python as a basis and using different approaches to promote this application in different cloud environments using CI (Continuous Integration) and CD (Continuous Delivery), in addition to exploring aspects related to security and quality and deployment strategies. We will use Visual Studio Code as an editor and explain tools such as GitHub and GitActions for code version control and process automation using Yaml, in addition to establishing connectivity with Azure.


10:45 - 11:45 | Hands-On: Exploring Monitoring

We will explore monitoring mechanisms and their importance for the performance of an SRE engineer in addition to the benefits of resource optimization, problem-solving, cost optimization, and business strategies. To do this, we will rely on available resources such as Azure Monitor, Application Insights, Log Analytics workspace, and other tools from Azure resources, such as metrics and alerts.


11:45 - 12:00 | Tips for the interview processes

Finally, we will analyze some tips available for interview processes in international companies and learn some important techniques to increase the chances of success.

3 hours

Registration until February 23, 2024. Workshop on February 24, 2024.

Develop high level applications with the best practice of the market

Practice with experts on live mentoring

Connect to the vibrant technology community

Conquer the best opportunities in the market and achieve your professional success

International Acceleration - Working as an SRE in an international company with Azure

Your DIO Experience

You available to the market. Make yourself visible and available for international jobs at the world's largest technology companies.


Besides the technical knowledge, you will quickly discover how to reach your goal with people who have already conquered an international career.

Complete learning environment

You will have access to an immersion in technology and yet be able to network with other professionals.

How is it like to work hereDIO}

What will you learn?

What you will learn

  • 1 -

    Explore the role of the Site Reliability Engineer, emphasizing how these professionals collaborate directly with development, infrastructure, and business teams to operationalize and maintain the reliability of applications.

  • 2 -

    Learn about CI/CD strategies, security, quality, and how to connect to the Azure cloud environment using Visual Studio Code, GitHub, and GitActions.

  • 3 -

    Gain valuable tips for interviews at international companies, highlighting crucial techniques to increase the chances of success.

Your Career

Your Career

Career plans in partner companies and the possibility of professional growth in the international market.

Develop New Skills

Develop New Skills

During the immersive program, you will find the best tips to have a great development in the technological world.



Get all your questions answered about the program during the immersion.

Ready to become international?

Ready to become international?

The DIO Team is waiting for you on this incredible journey on how to pursue an International Career.

Looking forward to the new

Looking forward to the new

As a technology professional, thriving about your future is the most important thing for you now.



In practice, leverage services such as Azure Monitor, Application Insights, Log Analytics workspace, and other Azure resources tools, utilizing metrics and alerts.

You in the future

Your name

Software Engineer


PythonGitHubPythonAzureSREGitHub ActionsContinuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

Profile strength on DIO: DIAMOND

Your profile has high strength and big chances to connect you with opportunities of innovative companies on the market

Certified by DIO

To me

Congratulations, you have concluded your learning day at International Acceleration - Working as an SRE in an international company with Azure.

Thus, you will acquire new knowledge, becoming even more skilled in conquering the technological world.

Let's together embark on this opportunity?

Who is Acceleration recommended for?


Experienced professionals seeking insights into best practices, tools, and essential strategies to stand out in the SRE and cloud operations landscape.


Have your profile available for opportunities in large companies and achieve your international career.


Get your profile available for opportunities at large global companies.

Your journey

Sign up.

Participate in live mentorships and leverage your career.

Build a network of contacts that can help you in this new phase.

Learn and deepen your knowledge on a gamified and collaborative platform.

Practice with code challenges.

Build your portfolio with practical market projects.

Complete your activities and earn your certificate.

Receive invitations to hiring opportunities.

Create your free account

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What is Acceleration?

¿Qué es un programa de aceleración?

Una jornada de inmersión con sesiones técnicas para los aprobados en el reto clasificatorio.

¿A qué fechas debo prestar atención?

¡Aquí están las fechas a las que debes estar atento!

Fecha de inicio de inscripción: 08 de febrero de 2024

Fecha de finalización de la inscripción: 23 de febrero de 2024

Día de Inmersión: 24 de febrero de 2024

Fecha de cierre del programa: 01 de marzo de 2024

¿Hay algún requisito previo para participar?

Habilidades de desarrollo de aplicaciones con Python, acceso al entorno de nube Azure y Github.

¿Cómo funciona la prueba de calificación?

La prueba de calificación se realiza online. Consta de 10 preguntas de opción múltiple con conceptos de Python, Githubl, Azure y 3 desafíos de codificación en Python, por un total de 1800 puntos.

Para ser aprobado, debes obtener un mínimo de 600 puntos.

¿Cuánto dura el desafío de calificación?

Una vez iniciado, tendrás hasta 100 minutos para completar el Desafío de Calificación.

¿Cuándo debo completar la prueba de calificación?

Podrás completar la prueba de calificación inmediatamente después del registro o en un horario conveniente hasta las 23:59 horas del 23 de febrero de 2024, siempre y cuando no la hayas iniciado.

¿Cuántas veces puedo realizar la prueba de calificación?

¡La prueba de calificación sólo se puede realizar una vez! Por tanto, elige el momento más oportuno para hacerlo.

¿Cómo sé si pasé la prueba de calificación?

Inmediatamente después de completar la prueba de calificación, el sistema calcula su puntuación y muestra el resultado en la pantalla. Además, recibirá un correo electrónico de confirmación indicando su aprobación y brindándole información para las próximas actividades.

¿Encontró algún problema con el registro?

Para cualquier problema técnico y preguntas sobre el programa y la plataforma, contáctenos a través del sitio web: Haga clic aquí.

¿Aún tienes dudas?

Contáctenos a través del sitio web: Haga clic aquí.