Bootcamp Microsoft Dynamics 365

Focused on empowering every person and organization on the planet, Microsoft is constantly coming up with extraordinary solutions to make that happen. And with that in mind that, in partnership with DIO, the Bootcamp Microsoft Dynamics 365 Brasil was created. Participate now on a 95-hour journey, with content from basic to advanced on Microsoft Dynamics 365 tools and solutions, with the possibility of certification and 100% free training. The ideal Bootcamp for IT professionals with knowledge in other programming languages who want to learn how to develop custom solutions in Dynamics 365, developers of Low Code tools and those who are always in constant professional development.


Sign up until April 30th

Develop high level applications with the best practice of the market

Practice with experts on live mentoring

Connect to the vibrant technology community

Conquer the best opportunities in the market and achieve your professional success

Microsoft: How is it like to work here

Continuous Advance

Keep evolving in your professional journey, more efficiently and attracting more attention from recruiters.


Gain prominence in the area of Microsoft Dynamics 365, a promising and fundamental path for your professional journey.

Complete Learning Environment

Through Bootcamp, you'll have access to an incredible and complete educational immersion with courses, challenges (get your hands on!) and mentorships on the DIO platform.

How is it like to work hereMicrosoft}

What will you learn?

The 4 Projects You Will Develop

  • 1 -

    Creating Your First Repository on GitHub to Share Your Progress

  • 2 -

    Building a Hotel Hosting System in C#

  • 3 -

    Creating a Canvas-type Application with the Power Platform

  • 4 -

    Creating Robust Solutions in Dynamics 365 with the SDK Extension

New Opportunities

New Opportunities

One of the key points of your career is thriving about your future, and as a technology professional, that point becomes even more important.

Developing Skills

Developing Skills

Learn to develop your skills with excellent courses and also have the opportunity to put into practice the acquired content.



Bootcamp has 5 modules, full of courses, project challenges and code challenges! Subjects such as modern software development, agile methodologies and, of course, the main features of Microsoft Dynamics 365 will be addressed.



The program has exclusive mentorships on the main soft skills for the market and, also, embark on hard skills mentorships, increasing your knowledge in the area.

Hands on

Hands on

It's time to get your hands on! Put into practice each principle learned during your journey through the program with code challenges and project challenges.



Microsoft is constantly innovating and making an impact every day. Always worrying about people and how they can be in continuous change to bring extraordinary solutions to everyone. Their mission is to empower every person and organization on the planet to achieve more.

You in the future

Your name

Dynamics 365 Professional


Dynamics 365Dynamics 365JavaScriptC#C#

Profile strength on DIO: DIAMOND

Your profile has high strength and big chances to connect you with opportunities of innovative companies on the market

Certified by DIO

To me

Congratulations, you have finished your learning journey in Bootcamp Bootcamp Microsoft Dynamics 365 !

We have verified your profile and we saw that it is very interesting for a vacancy of Dynamics 365 Professional that we have open.

We will wait for you in the next hiring steps!

Let's enjoy this opportunity?

Who is Bootcamp recommended for?


IT professionals with knowledge in other programming languages who want to learn how to develop custom solutions in Dynamics 365, developers of Low Code tools and for those who want to know and deepen their knowledge of Microsoft tools and solutions.


Microsoft has great influence in the world of technology and continues to innovate daily, impacting thousands of companies and lives around the world.


Finish the Microsoft CRM Dynamics Brasil Bootcamp, gain a differential in your resume and stand out when recruiting in large companies.

Your journey

Faça sua inscrição.

Participe das mentorias ao vivo e alavanque sua carreira.

Construa uma rede de contatos que poderá te ajudar nessa nova fase.

Aprenda e aprofunde seus conhecimentos em uma plataforma gamificada e colaborativa.

Pratique com desafios de código.

Construa seu portfólio com projeto práticos de mercado.

Conclua suas atividades e conquiste seu certificado.

Tenha chances reais de contratação.

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What is Bootcamp?

O que é um Bootcamp?

O Bootcamp é composto por uma trilha de conhecimento em diferentes áreas de atuação, neste caso, em tecnologia, em um período de tempo mais reduzido. Diante disso, criamos uma imersão completa com: cursos, encontros ao vivo (mentorias), desafios de código e desafios de projeto, para você que deseja aprofundar-se mais nos estudos e conquistar sua carreira dos sonhos.

Quais datas devo me atentar?

Aqui estão as datas que você precisa ficar de olho!

Abertura das inscrições: 13/03/2023
Início do Programa: 13/03/2023
Evento de lançamento: 16/03/2023
Finalização das inscrições: 30/04/2023
Encerramento do programa: 30/05/2023

Preciso pagar algo a empresa?

Não. A concessão da bolsa é completamente gratuita.

Tive problemas durante a inscrição. Quem pode me ajudar?

Você terá acesso a comunidade da DIO no Discord para acelerar junto com outros devs e mentores: Clique Aqui.

Porém, para quaisquer problemas técnicos e dúvidas em relação ao programa, entre em contato pelo site : Clique Aqui.

Ainda está com dúvidas?

Entre em contato com a gente pelo site : Clique Aqui.